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3's Program

Petite Section

The curriculum for the 3's Program offers formal and structured activities for developing pre-reading and pre-writing skills, promotion of phonological and phonemic awareness and building of alphabetic skills including letter identification. Pre-writing activities are also introduced, specifically with the writing of the first name and numbers. The curriculum for this class includes plenty of arts and crafts projects as well as world exploration and musical class discovery.

  • Children must be 3 years old by the first day of school

  • Children attend 5 days per week

  • Regular-day at FFLO is  8:45 am to 1:00 pm

  • Full-day is available upon request until 2:30 pm. Spots are limited. 

  • All students must be toilet-trained

French Language:
Oral & Written

FFLO uses different techniques to help children understand the French language. Through the use of many visuals and pictures, gestures, and using a slower rate of speech children fully understand the meaning of what we’re communicating in French. In the 3’s program, children will work on targeted vocabulary and sounds and evolve their writing through various stages. From scribbling to making mock letters to eventually writing simple words—children will use a variety of paper shapes, textures, and colors as well as a variety of writing tools.

Critical Thinking & Math

FFLO uses two popular French methods to introduce students to numbers and the fun of mathematics by playing with shapes, cubes, and legos. Students are introduced to math concepts like following a pattern, sequencing stories, cooking by following recipes, manipulating objects, comparing sizes, and most importantly—understanding the concept of quantity to fully grasp the meaning of a number. Our mathematical approach is similar to "mini-ateliers" or workshops where children can feel, touch, and manipulate objects and partake in independent and collaborative table activities.


Arts & Crafts: 
À la manière de FFLO

The 3’s program students use diverse materials such as paint, watercolor, chalk, writing utensils, clay, etc., as well as a variety of materials that are provided and available to choose from.  We explore popular artists from around the world to fully understand the artwork and identify colors, lines,  graphics, and the emotions of the artist. Students interpret and recreate the artist's work called “A la manière de...


Additional creative art outlets are used daily like music, dance, dramatic play, theater, and puppetry which help build imagination and creativity.


Students in the Petite Section express what they perceive through art which provides personal development while also offering an introduction to artistic culture.

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World Exploration: 
À la manière de FFLO

FFLO incorporates “World Exploration” to accompany students in the discovery, organization, and understanding of the world around us. Students are encouraged through projects in science and STEM to ask questions about the world. FFLO provides hands-on activities to understand the meaning of spatial relationships, the notion of time, and identify living and nonliving objects (we have a class pet!)


Children are invited to celebrate a variety of holidays and cultural traditions such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, La Chandeleur, the Epiphany with Galette des Rois cake, Mardi-Gras, etc. Each day also includes outdoor exploration in our neighborhood offering a rich variety of dynamic teaching experiences.


A Typical Day

  • 8:45 - 9:15am Arrival & Free Play: Children explore the playspace and activities.

  • 9:30 - 10:00am  Morning Circle: Children gather to sing songs, listen to stories, and talk about the day ahead.

  • 10:00 - 10:30am Snack Time:  Snacks are provided by families.

  • 10:30 - 11:00am Phonetics, Math & Critical Thinking:  Educational table activities. Children engage in activities such as math, critical thinking, oral and written activities related to the theme of the week, and/or enrichment activities. 

  • 11:15 - 12:00pm Outdoor or Indoor Play: Weather permitting, children go out to the park to explore nature, play, and engage in gross motor activities.

  • 12:15 - 12:45pm Lunch: Children sit together and enjoy their meal. Lunch is provided by families.

  • 1:00pm Dismissal of regular half-day students. Full-day students transition to rest or nap. 

  • 2:00 - 2:30pm Enrichment Activities & Quiet Play: Cooking, science, sensory play, and mindfulness activities such as yoga are explored

  • 2:30pm Dismissal of full-day students.


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